Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog #24: Independent Component 2.


" I, Norma Lopez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work."

In my independent component two I planned ASB, HOPE club events, and I am currently helping Prom Committee with prom. The first event that I decided to include in my independent component was a corporate event; the Invisible Children Screening. I was full on responsible to make this happen, in HOPE club every eager has a different organization that they work on for the whole year, and Invisible Children is mine. I had to contact Invisible Children and follow up with our roadie for about two months prior to the event. I had to meet up with both principals to get this event approved, even though there were some problems towards the end they were solved and this event successfully happened. The next event I worked on was iFest, this is a whole school event and since I am in E-Board we need to guide every other class to have their booths ready to go, decide on the prices and set up the whole event. Like Scare Faire we decided to try a new set-up, since past years pros and cons the set up never works. We also spend lunches and free block organizing everything since we lost a few electives, we follow up with every club and classes to make sure they were set in order to make this event successful. I as well are part of the Prom Committee and send some of my spare time helping come up with ideas for prom; they decided to go with the ideas for centerpieces that I found and share with them through Facebook, I really enjoy just getting ideas from google or elsewhere in order to make the night of prom successful. I will still be helping them with the centerpieces since I do have experience from formal, even though it might not count for my independent component I am still willing to get hands on experience of my topic.


I completed 33 hours of planning several of events and giving inputs to events. Being in charge of the Invisible Children screening and how there were problems made me put extra work on it in order to make it happen. I had several HOPE club meetings, meeting with teachers and being in contact with the Invisible Children staff, it really was all on me. I also spend several of lunches and free block organizing everything for ASB events since everything falls back to Phoebe and I, we really need to be on top of everything when some classes don't show full potential in what they are in charge of. Planning school events has really become my job for all the three years I have been in ASB and I don't mind it, because i really enjoy it. The following log shows every minute I spend being part of the following events. 


What is most important in planning a successful social market event?

This independent component really helped me with my first answer which is planning with an end in mind and my second answer which is envisioning your event. With both the screening and iFest there was a goal; creating awareness and just having a social event to benefit the school. When it comes to events you really need to focus on who you are planning the event for and for both it was the school. Throughout my senior year researching about event planners and whats hard, I realized that having patience and always planning an event for your client is hard. Event planners don't always have it easy, the Invisible Children screening is the event that got me so frustrated and I just felt like quitting, but when you are planning an event and some people are anticipating it you need to learn how to put everything aside and make it work. Your emotions and surrounding don't need to play a part in planning. This independent component really help me understand my answers better by knowing that I am planning events for the school and they are anticipating the best so you need to step up and make it work. 

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