Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blog #20: Room Creativity.

Q: How do you plan to address the room creativity expectation?
A: Ever since I knew my senior project will be on Event Planning, I knew I was going to go all out on the decorations; I plan to use winter formal decorations. Using the centerpieces and lanterns will help me give my room the environment of an actual event.

examples of set up:

Q: What activity ideas do you have for answer one & two?
answer one: Planning with the end in mind.
activity one: Having each table come up with an event and do the five w's and how, like it is suggested to do in the event planning industry.
- who are your guests?
- what is your event?
- when is your event?
- where is your event?
- why is this event happening?
- how much money is in the budget?

answer two: Creating a timeline 6 months prior to the event.
activity two: This idea was given to me by my third interviewee, Natalie Octa. Each group will create a timeline for the event they outlined on the first activity.

Research Check #14.

artcl: Event Planning: Steps to Planning a Successful Event

L: "The key to any good event is brainstorming what will work best."
I: As my second answer says coming up with a timeline prior to six months before the event is important. Brainstorming and going over what is your event and why is happening is very important in order for the planning to be successful.

L: Setting your goals, will help you create a successful event for the clients and guests.
I: setting an end goal to an event is what every event planner should do, that way they know what they are reaching for and are not just going in to do the planning just because it's their job.

L: "Create a timeline outlining the tasks that need to be completed each week leading up to the event including event logistics. Make deadlines for yourself and then meet them."
I: timelines are like the event planner's life for the next 6-12 months, it helps them get everything organized in the way that they won't forget to do something for the event.

artcl: How to Plan a Social Event.

L:"social events make great networking and bonding opportunities, and they come in all types and sizes."
I: Social events are different from corporate events, well the end goal to them is different. With social event an event planner has more freedom to do something creative rather than something more professional. The end goals differ as well, social events' goal is for the guests to interact and enjoy the event.

L: "Keeping things in order and assuring your guests are satisfied is the key ingredient to a fun event."
I: being organized and assuring the guests are satisfied is the key to a successful event, the guests are the judges of how successful the event it so taking encounter what they want and what they're expecting is very important. Such as the entertainment, food and the location is what an event planner has to carefully help the client pick.

L: "take notes on the pros and cons of the event for the improving for next times"
I: evaluating each event is very important , you don't want to repeat something that went wrong on your other event. Avoiding what went wrong in one event to make another better is very important, for example; during asb we evaluate each event we make to make sure next year asb doesn't do the same for the mistakes. It doesn't only help with the cons but with the pros as well, if something was successful then keep doing it.

artcl: Planning a Successful Event in Eight Weeks

L: "eight weeks is sufficient lead-time to for a small event,meaning an event of less than 300-400 people."
I: 2 months is so not enough for an event of 300 or less people, it could happen but in order for time to not be tight at the end planning prior to 6 months at leasts sounds more reasonable.

L: This article is a timeline talking about the steps needing to be taken care of for a corporate event. Since I am doing social events it don't help me as much but the timelines always consist of the same steps.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Research Check #13.

(30B )
artcl: the ultimate guide to online event management

- "Irrespective of the scale of your event, you need to take a number of factors into consideration to achieve the best results."
> Online event managements has become one of the most popular sources for people who want to plan an event ,it is taking event planners jobs but realistically event planners are needed for an event to run smoothly.

- "The success of the event depends on a number of factors including Promotion and marketing."
> depending on the type of event someone is planning promotion is the key, you could be organized and be planning the most amazing event but without promotion you really don't have a successful for the audience.

- "Event planning is a process and each stage calls for proper attention."
> event planning needs a 120% from the event planner in order for it to be successful, it consist of giving up your time for your clients in order to make their event successful.

- "You cannot ensure the succes of your event unless you adopt an organized and professional approach."
> In order to be an event planner you need to have organization skills, but does that factor into being successful? In order to just be an event planner you need to be organized and have time management skills; those skills are needed just to be an event planner.

(31 A)
artcl: how to organize and event?

- "The first step to planning an event is to define your objective."
> both corporate and social events have an objective in mind, whether it's raising awareness, money or just having a successful event for your clients big day.

- "As you plan your event, you utilize several different building block that will become the structure and content of your event; building an organizing team,creating the agenda and setting the date, creating a budget,covering the cost, generating income,promoting an event."
> this is referring to more of corporate events but social events fall into the same timeline type of thing such as; getting vendors, creating the timeline, creating the budget and sensing invitations and so on.

- "When you're making a budget, look at all the money you'll spend; venue,catering,promotion,materials,presenters,documenting the event."
> Creating a list of all the materials needed and all the small details that go into each will allow you to keep track of all expenses and at the end have a clear number of expenses.

(31 B)
artcl: how to organize and event?
- "Deciding how to allocate time during your event is one of the most important elements of planning a good event."
> being on time and making a timeline for the day of an event will allow you to please your clients without having any mistakes or delays.

-"As you plan, remind yourself of your event's objective and your target participants so that you can plan your event to appeal to your participants."
> having an objective is very important in order to have a successful event, this should be the first step on planning the event and it will help you reach your goal.

-"When you're making a budget, look at the money you'll spend (expenses) and the money you may bring in (revenue)."
> the budget should cover every little detail, like shipping for decorations and so on not just the price but everything in order to avoid problems in the future.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog #19: Answer 2.

EQ: What is most important on being a successful event planner?

Q: What is one answer to your essential question? Be specific in your answer and write it like a thesis statement.
A: In order to become a successful event planner one has to have hands on experience either in internships or volunteering with professional event planners.

[This will help one  learn how events are planned and learn the steps to making a successful event;following a timeline and set schedule. As well as to get contacts in the event planning industry and referrals and start a career on the right foot.]

Q: What possible evidence do you have to support this answer?
  • "If I'm hiring someone to work for me as an event planner and I get two people both same age and one has a college degree in hospitality management with no experience, and the other one that has a college degree and has one or two experiences. I will hire the one with the experience. Clients will also look for personality but will go with experience most of the time." - Dr. Fawaz.
  • "I will say if you have more experience clients tend to trust you more." - Natalie Octa
  • "Having experience beforehand with a company will open many doors for you and put your name out there when you finally decide to open your own business. You get the feeling for actually working for an event planning business." - Natalie Octa
  • "Intern first or get a part time job doing event planning to see if you really, really enjoy the job.  You need to enjoy doing event planning if you want to become a full time event planner." - Natalie Octa
  • "The most important education for this type of job is experience." - Martina Wyatt

Q: What sources did you find this evidence and/or answer?
  • First Interview- Dr.Fawaz Al-Mood
  • Second Interview- Natalie Octa
  • ARTCL: Wyatt, Martina. "Career Profile: Special Events Coordinator." 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Blog #18: The Product.

My outcome as of now is that I know how to get valuable contacts in the Event Planning Industry.

Contacting professionals in the event planning industry is very important for my senior project as well as my future if I decide to pursue a career in the field of event planning.

Everything I have done this year has such as my interviews, independent component and service learning is thanks to the contacts I have acquired through the past six months.

Service Learning.
For service learning my mentor is Maram, who is a professional event planner and owns her own event planning business. I haven't been able to help her as much as I would like her but when I did, I gained experience of actually setting up for an event. She is not only helping me acquire my 5o hours of service learning but with interviews and my science experiment.
Independent Component.
For Winter Formal I needed to get in contact with many venues which most of them are managed by event planners, April from Colette's was a huge help not only in the planning for winter formal but my science experiment as well.
Dr. Al-Mood, Maram and Natalie have been three interviews that have helped me so much in my senior project, not only in the interview aspect but with research, science experiment and 2 hour presentation.

Obtaining contact in industries such as event planning will help you in the future, by having referrals in a future career and most importantly in my senior project overall.