Friday, November 11, 2011

Blog #9: Science Fair Proposal.

Q: What is your hypothesis?
A: My hypothesis for this experiment will be the following:
If an event planner has over 20 years in the field then they will achieve financial success.
Q: Identify the dependent (produced), independent (manipulated) and control variables in your hypothesis.
A: dependent: income success.
independent: over 20 years.
controls variable: event planner.
Q: What is the connection between your science fair project and your senior project EQ?
A: My EQ is; What is most important on being a successful event planner?
The connection between experimenting event planners incomes and years in the field with my EQ is being  successful includes being economically stable. Having more experience will allow an event planner to be more successful.As my first interviewee stated having experience in a popular field nowadays will increase your chances of being successful event planner.
Experience is the key to success. (:
Q: How will you perform the experiment?  Include the equipment you plan on using.
A: I will perform this experiemnt by contacting about 25 event planners; emailing a survery i will conduct using survey monkey. This survery will consist of questions such as; range of age, range of income and range of the years they have been in the event planning industry. I will be sending out this survey through email.
Q: Which category will your project be listed under? 
A: The category in which my experiment would be listed on would be the Behavioral Science.