Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blog #8: What I've Learned So Far.

Q: What have you learned how to do since you started working on your senior project?
A: I have learned to experience myself by planning events in order to become a successful event planner. Being part of ASB has made this easier, as of right now we are planning Scare Faire. It requires a lot of planning, such as planning the location of each booth, to the small details. I learned how to be more organize about planning the whole event.

Photo: This photo shows the work that has been put into the event, starting with the different layout we came up to this year, and a picture of the quad in which we label were each booth will be located. (after friday I will post a picture of the product of scare faire.)  Also the last picture shows the goodie bags that are going to be given to students that day. This are just a few pictures of the planning I have been part of Scare Faire.

Q: What research helped you to do this and how?
A: My interviewee, Dr.Fawaz Al-Malood & 10 Steps to a Fab Job as a Wedding Planner.
Both of these resources have taught me a lot. From having to have experience on planning events to the steps you need to take in order to have a successful event, not just weddings as the article says but all events. They have both taught me that planning an event is hard work and you need to be able to be organize in order to pull a successful event.
*How = What in the research specifically helped you do what you are posting as evidence

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